Gulp task chaining for SPFx projects


When swapping between debugging using a workbench and deploying to a SharePoint developer tenant, we need to toggle the –ship flags. 

Also, we need to chain the Gulp commands. Just running gulp package-solution –ship does not perform the entire chain. This has been discussed before, for example on this Github thread.

First, I set off chaining a custom task for gulp dev, which will clean the project, build, bundle and then launch a serve again to the workbench. I edit my gulpfile.js as:

					// Clean and build before 'serve' to get dev settings
gulp.task("dev", ["clean", "bundle"], function() {})

// Run 'dev' to clean up after prod packaging, then start 'serve'
gulp.task("devserve", ["dev"], function () {

By adding an array of commands as the second parameter on gulp.task, we can set dependency tasks that should execute before the task, therefore chaining the commands. However, I do not want to wait for serve, as this stays open until I quit the workbench, so I use gulp.start which does not wait for the output of serve.

This works well. However, for packaging, we cannot add a parameter/flag to the dependencies, as in:

  ["clean", "bundle --ship", "package-solution --ship"], 
  function () {
  // Will not work!

This will just error, stating that the task cannot be found.

To make this work, you could use gulp-parameterized, but this is not compatible with Gulp 3.x and needs Gulp 4.x, which SPFx currently does not support. If this changes in the future then the next section is moot.

I instead use gulp-run-command to perform the –ship flag, as you cannot method:

					// Full clean, version update and package for publishing to prod
// npm install gulp-run-command
const run = require('gulp-run-command').default
gulp.task("bundleship", run("gulp bundle --ship", {
  ignoreErrors: true // Warnings are treated as errors otherwise
gulp.task("package", ["clean", "update-version", "bundleship"], run("gulp package-solution --ship"))

Also, I found a neat custom Gulp task by Nakkeeran Natarjan that increments the version number. I modified this to set the minor version number to automate upgrades, which is referenced above as update-version:

					// Update minor version, useful when upgrading
const fs = require('fs');  
build.task('update-version', {       
  execute: () => {  
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {  
      let json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config/package-solution.json"));  
      let versions = json.solution.version.split(".");
      versions[3] = (parseInt(versions[3]) + 1).toString();  
      json.solution.version = versions.join(".")
      console.log("Solution version updated to " + json.solution.version);
      fs.writeFileSync('./config/package-solution.json', JSON.stringify(json));
Now, we can quickly move between debugging and uploading packages by:
					gulp devserve
gulp package

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